Shut Down Marshall

#ShutDownMarshall is a campaign I started in June 2015. I am targeting Marshall Farms to force them to stop breeding animals for cruel tests in laboratories.

Marshall Farms, more specifically their brand Marshall Bioresources, is a leading global provider of animals for animal experimentation. They breed beagles, ferrets, mini pigs, and hound dogs. They also sell blood, blood products, and tissue derived from animals. Marshall has facilities all over the world.

In the United States, Marshall has been cited over 20 times for violations of the Animal Welfare Act in the past 5 years. These citations have included charges of keeping dogs in cages so small they couldn’t turn around. Living conditions were inhumane, and they failed to provide proper veterinary care to the animals used in their tests. Dogs and ferrets were housed in filthy wire cages, in buildings infested with mice and flies. Newborn puppies were found alone and shaking, several dogs had obvious injuries and medical conditions (some of whom had blood in or around their cages) and a dehydrated puppy was found that had to be euthanized. [x] In addition, Marshall was recently documented lying about the fate of beagles being shipped to India.

In 2012, Marshall’s infamous Green Hill beagle factory farm in Italy was closed due to inhumane conditions. In the U.K., a branch of Marshall was denied the opportunity to open a new facility after protests from various animal rights organizations.

The animals bred by Marshall are sold to labs around the world. In the United States, Animalearn documented that, “…between 2005-2007, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, University of Cincinnati, University of Texas Southwest Medical Center (Dallas), University of Washington (Seattle), and University of Wisconsin, Madison purchased live mixed breed dogs for use in education from Marshall Farms. Oklahoma State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine also bought live beagles from Marshall Farms.” [x]

Marshall needs to change, and it needs to change now. This campaign is about pressuring Marshall Farms to switch from breeding live animals for cruel tests, to producing effective, humane, non-animal research models for laboratories to purchase. If Marshall refuses to compromise in this manner, I pledge to continue this campaign until Marshall has shut down.

The main aspect of this campaign is a wide spread boycott. Marshall Farms owns a pet product line called Marshall Pet. I will spread the word about the product line’s ties to animal abuse until Marshall stops breeding animals, or until they close down.

Join The Campaign to #ShutDownMarshall

Here are several things you can do to help prevent animal cruelty sponsored by Marshall Farms:

  1. Most importantly; don’t buy Marshall Pet Products! Join the boycott and ask everyone you know to do the same.
  2. Join the campaign on social media! Use the hashtag #ShutDownMarshall and use the information on this site to inform the world of the cruelty behind animal testing. If you use Twitter, you can use the tweet sheets posted below. You can also use the hashtag #BoycottMarshallPet.
  3. Contact Marshall Farms and let them know what you think of their relationship with vivisectors. You can find contact information here, and contact them on Twitter @MarshallPet.
  4. Contact the retailers that sell Marshall Pet Products and let them know of the cruelty that they sponsor. Pledge to boycott those retailers until they stop selling Marshall Pet Products, and tell everyone you know to do the same. You can find contact details here.
  5. Sign the pledge promising to fight against Marshall Bioresources and animal testing.
  6. Sign the petition as well encouraging Marshall Farms to cease breeding animals for profit from laboratories.
  7. Only donate to charities with the Humane Seal, and only buy cruelty-free products that don’t test on animals.

Tweet Sheet

Tweet 1Dogs need our help! #BoycottMarshallPet quit breeding 4 labs! #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 2Tell stores 2 split w/ MF until they stop breeding animals 4 cruel tests! #BoycottMarshallPet #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 3#ShutDownMarshall #BoycottMarshallPet store locator here > www.

Tweet 4Contact MF and tell them what you think of their support of VIVISECTORS! #ShutDownMarshall #BoycottMarshallPet

Tweet 5Attn #ferretlovers‼️#BoycottMarshallPet they breed ferrets 4 cruel animal tests! #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 6Take #action4animals & #ShutDownMarshall ask MF 2 switch to making non-animal research models! #BoycottMarshallPet

Tweet 7Dogs r slowly poisoned 😦 MF breeds dogs for this‼️ #ShutDownMarshall #BoycottMarshallPet

Tweet 8:  Urge the FDA to require nonanimal tests instead of CRUEL animal tests! #StopAnimalTesting

Tweet 9Contact FDA here > … tell them what you think about animal testing!

Tweet 10:  MF causes misery and pain! #BoycottMarshallPet until they stop breeding 4 labs‼️ #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 11:  In the U.S. MF has been cited > 20x 4 violations of the AWA in past 5 yrs #BoycottMarshallPet #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 12:  Violations included keeping dogs in tiny cages where they couldn’t turn around! #BoycottMarshallPet #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 13:  MF also FAILED to give vet care to animals used in tests #BoycottMarshallPet #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 14:  2012: MF-owned facility in Italy #GreenHill SHUT DOWN due to cruel conditions! #BoycottMarshallPet #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 15:  Happy beagle free from MF #BoycottMarshallPet until they stop breeding 4 cruel tests!

Tweet 16Activists free dogs from MF #BoycottMarshallPet #StopAnimalTesting #ShutDownMarshall

Tweet 17#BoycottMarshallPet STOP breeding 4 CRUELTY! They need2 #choosehumane or #ShutDownMarshall

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